
Stamps with Statues


travel the world
with Buddha stamps -
letter writing in spring

following Buddha -
every journey begins
with the first step

. Stamps with Buddha Statues  


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011



spring snow


16 snow sparkles END

spring snow -
just enough
to sparkle

03 plum one in snow

11 cherry buds snow

06 one tsubaki

Enjoy 16 photos of this morning

and this was yesterday

03 robai spring sunshine


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plum blossoms


plum blossoms -
this strong rain
hits them all


The Old Ones have always said
that no matter who despises or ignores you,
no matter who keeps you
from entering their circles,
it is right to pray for them
because the are like us, too.

Larry P. Aitken, CHIPPEWA


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first crocus


first crosus -
I remember Gogh and
the yellow sunflowers

. Museum Haiku
about famous people and artwork


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wild west


Basho walked -
the rocky road
to the wild west

For my haiku friend Laura.

. . . THF . . .  


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table 4 2


table 4 2
- a romance reduced
to numbers

. Numbers used in Haiku  

Friends are experimenting
with numbers as substitutes for words.


my haiku friend Bill shared this :

I'm old enough to remember when

2 sweet
2 be
4 gotten

was considered very clever, a staple in high school yearbooks.


one plus one = 3
a happy couple expecting
their first child

Catbird 55, WHC

fertility treatments
one plus one = 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8 . . . !

Bill Kenney


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011


bright moon


It was about five thirty in the morning. I opened the curtains and saw bright light, like sunshine, on the rooftiles below me . . . but coming from the "wrong" side.
It looked so different from the usual early morning light on the tiles.
Then I looked up in the sky and saw the moon hang over there ... whow ...

frosty morning -
such a bright full moon
in the west


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011



Japanese Values


Japanese values -
a bowl of hot miso soup
and my kotatsu

. Thoughts on Japanese Values   


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is spring coming ?


is spring coming ?
the sound of rain
on my roof

I have not heared this sound for quite a while.


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sunshine for two


sunshine for two -
the cat curls his tail
around my leg

After a morning of minus 5 centigrade,
a sudden burst of warmness in the afternoon !
So we shared our special stone . . .


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weather vane


early morning -
the frozen weather vane
faces north

Again minus 5 centigrade this morning.


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shoveling snow


01 snow garden evening .. till Nr. 07

the right kigo
for a day of hard work -
shoveling snow


19 Hiroshige branches snow

Hiroshige branches

18 branch patterns


moonscape at my feet

29 moonscape at my feet

Start the walk from HERE

. WKD : Snow (yuki 雪)  

. THF : the kigo game  


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011



snow snow snow


yahoo weather forecast

too much snow
to shovel a path -
cabin fever

The snow clouds over Okayama prefecture, going to stay this way until tomorrow morning
the weather forecast is right . . .


. . . Read my Haiku Archives 2011


sweet valentine


Valentine's Day -
I send you a sweet

The postoffice is selling them as KitKat Mail.

You get three pieces of chocolate and a Daruma in pink, yellow or red.

. 「キットメール」 Kit mail Daruma  


. Valentine's Day - KIGO  

. Valentine and Daruma, 2012 .

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on my snowed-in valley -
promises kept

. THF : Is the Clock Ticking on Haiku?   

You should see the splendor of this night !


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